Astro Blast Helmet
Astro The Light Weight Abrasive Blasting Helmet
Your Light Weight, Robust, Quality Abrasive Blasting Helmet also manufactured by RPB Respitory the home of the Nova 2000
The design team at RPB Respiratory likes to listen to the market place. When people were asking for a compact, lightweight Blasting Helmet, they listened and developed the Astro.
The Astro Blasting Helmet is your number one choice economy Abrasive Blasting Helmet which meets standards worldwide including CE, Australian Standards and is approved by NIOSH.
The Astro Blasting Helmet has a large flat lens which provides excellent vision without distortion.
When it comes to increasing productivity, Lightweight means less fatigue, the Astro Blasting Helmet only weighs 2 ¾ lb / 1.2Kg.
Each part on the Astro Blasting Helmet can be easily replaced using conventional tools, reducing downtime if you need to replace parts it can be done on the field.
For more information and pricing on this great Product
Blastquip stock the Astro Blast Helmet as part of our large range of Abrasives and Sandblastng Equipment in New Zealand. We also stock a large range of coating equipment and testing instruments. For optimum in comfort we suggest the NOVA 2000 Blasting Helmet this Sandblasting helmet is a world leader in comfort and design.
Images used with consent of RPB® Respiratory , images are copyright to RPB®. The AstroTM is a trademark of RPB® Respiratory, no material may be used or copied without written permission of RPB® Respiratory.