Blasting Rooms Purpose Built for Optimum Blasting PerformanceDESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF BLAST ROOMS To ensure a high production and low maintenance from Blast Rooms, it is essential they are carefully designed. Walls should be constructed with 5mm steel plate suitably stiffened to prevent buckling. All interior surfaces should be free form any protrusion inside the chamber to avoid collecting dust and abrasive. Lighting is of paramount importance to provide suffi cient visibility levels for the operator to easily see inside angles, corners, cleats or around complex fabricated items. Lights should never be mounted inside a Blast Room. Doors should be open to allow full access to the Room to utilize the entire size of the chamber. Floor grating and the associated support structure should be engineered to handle the loading levels necessary. Typically 50 tonne loadings are easily accommodatedRECOVERY SYSTEMS Recovery Systems range from 100% area under-fl oor systems to simple sweepin hopper systems. A Recovery System that has 100% floor recovery allows maximum productivity as operators never need be involved in handling spent abrasive. [An alternative to this is a 25% or 50% floor area recovery system that requires daily operator sweeping to recycle all abrasives]. When the spent abrasive falls through the floor grating, it is collected by a conveyor, typically an oscillating tray conveyor - which transports the abrasive across to a bucket elevator and Abrasive Cleaning Station. Oscillating Tray Conveyors are a reliable self cleaning low maintenance and low profile solution to effi cient under floor recovery requirements. WHY INSTALL A BLAST ROOM? There are several advantages of installing a Blast Room, both economical and environmental. Weather constraints are no longer a problem. You can blast 24 hours per day, 365 days a year allowing you to achieve higher productivity and meet customers deadlines. The controlled environment assists your blaster to achieve a consistent quality of work, reducing rework. Typically Blast Rooms will incorporate an automatic abrasive recycling system which allows the use of recyclable abrasives, reducing your costs drastically. Not only do you reduce purchase costs of abrasive, you also reduce handling and disposal costs. By containing all your dust from your blasting operation, your general site environment is cleaner and tidier and your neighbors are happier too! BLASTROOM DUST COLLECTORS A Dust Collector is a vital part of any Blast Chamber. It provides ventilation inside the chamber and it cleans contaminants from the exhaust air. It is essential that the Dust Collector is carefully selected to suit the size of the Blast Chamber, to maintain visibility and required air velocity in the room. In general, the larger the cross section of the Blast Chamber, the larger the Dust Collector. Blast-One can assist in all design and engineering calculations. MAIN FEATURES OF A PERFORMANCE BLAST ROOM There are 5 main components in a Performance Blasting Chamber.