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10 Ltr Pressure Pots For Painting
Blastquip 10 Ltr Pressure Pots come complete with guage, regulator and Paint Pot. Designed for the Industrial Painting Market they are great value for money.
Blastquip stock pressure pots for painting in various other sizes including 2 Ltr Pressure Pots. Other sizes are available.
• Comes Complete with Air Regulator, Gauge, Safety valve, and Fluid outlet.
• Constructed from the finest quality materials
• Durable
• The 10Ltr Capacity Allows you to handle almost any job with professional results
• High Maximum of 80 PSI Working Pressure

We stock a full range of painting equipment including both conventional and airless painting equipment. Including spray guns, pressure pots, paint pots and paint spray hoses.
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